tax return

What we all care about in the budget - tax cuts! But who really benefits?

What we all care about in the budget - tax cuts! But who really benefits?

If you’ve heard there are tax cuts coming, or if you've ever heard the words 'bracket creep' or 'marginal tax rate' and wanted a better understanding of how that affects you (and everyone) in a real world sense, this article is what you need.

What I want to do here is write an article that creates a new perspective - information and analysis on a level that I have yet to see, laid out in a way that helps you to form your own opinions based on your personal situation and your personal politics.

The Tax Return deadline is coming and I'M NOT READY!

The Tax Return deadline is coming and I'M NOT READY!

The tax return due date is nearly here! The ads are about to start - get yourself booked in before 31 October or FACE THE WRATH OF THE MONSTROUS ATO! Only *we*, [insert faceless corporate tax firm here] can save you from fines and penalties!

I'm not gonna do that to you. A deadline is coming, yes. But I don't believe in scare mongering. There is a SUPER EASY way to stay on the right side of the tax deadline, even if you're not ready to lodge before October 31!

Diagnosing the Digits - is private health insurance what the doctor ordered?

Diagnosing the Digits - is private health insurance what the doctor ordered?

It's almost impossible to find a trustworthy, clear voice on Private Health Insurance - the insurers want you to get it because it makes them money, and the government wants you to get it so that you're less of a cost to Medicare!

I can't promise to give you every piece of information you need, but I will unpack the tax side of things to explain Private Health Insurance, the Medicare Levy Surcharge, and Lifetime Health Cover Loading to help you make informed decisions.